
About Super Excel Training & Coaching.

Know Steve in 2 minutes.

Through Steve's Excel learning journey, you may learn what to avoid, or what to proactively pursue, so you can reach your Excel skill goal faster.

This will help you to understand what the truly different levels of Excel skills are. 

During the COVID global lockdown, I started teaching Excel online live via Zoom to attendees not in the Toronto area. That made me thinking about dimensions. Dimensions in terms of Excel formula reference, dimensions in terms of the Excel models, dimensions in terms of our existence. When we transcend in dimensions, our Excel formulas become mightier, our Excel models are more integrated and powerful, and our human existences are also empowered.

I had a coaching call with Jeni. She is three weeks in to her new job, and faced a dilemma: should she create the report by pivot tables or formulas like SUMIFS function?

Lots of people have a myth about macro. They thought once they learn macro, they would become advanced in Excel. The reality is learning macro does not make you advanced, learning VBA does. However most Excel users do not need to learn VBA. Instead, they should be learning Excel functions and formulas.

I do not know about you, but posting my own Excel training video on YouTube is a very frightening thing. However, with the help of life coaching, I was able to overcome that fear, and posted my first ever YouTube video