What If

You Want To Cancel a Course?

You get 100% refund

If you cancel within 30 days AND have not accessed beyond Module 1 of the on-demand online course.

No questions asked.

I know you will find tons of value from the Super Excel courses. I am confident that you will love the Excel training after completing the module 1, and you WANT to proceed to get more value out of it.

Maybe this is your first time coming across Super Excel.

Maybe nobody told you about Super Excel before.

Maybe you are wondering if the feedback from our raving fans are fake (actually some years ago one lady shared in my first class (in-person) of her initial doubt about all those positive feedback on my website before signing up, but she felt happy that she did sign up, and already felt the tremendous value of the course during the first class, and happily wrote her own testimonial for me at the end of the course).

To eliminate the risk for you, I will refund 100% of your course fee if you cancel within 30 days and have not accessed content beyond module 1. No questions asked.